Explanation of Contracts

USAF Weapons School

The 57th Wing is the largest composite wing in the United States Air Force. It provides advanced aerospace training to world-wide combat air forces and showcases aerospace power to the world while simultaneously overseeing the dynamic and challenging flying operations at Nellis Air Force base. CTI conducts academic and training instruction in support of formal course syllabi, training plans, and event lesson plans to formal course students at the Weapons School. CTI also produces, updates, and revises courseware to support academic and training device instruction and flight phases of the training system covered under the contract.

BMT Capstone

CTI instructs and facilitates the United States Air Force capstone week program 50 weeks per year. The capstone program is the final training week of the United States Air Force Basic Military Training (BMT) and occurs just prior to graduation. All training will take place at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX. The Government anticipates approximately 30,000-40,000 students per year. CTI and teaming partners will be responsible for all instructors, facilitators, courseware developers and is expected to develop and deliver approximately 31 hours of instruction/facilitation per week. They will develop scenario-based video modules addressing decision making as it relates to the character and mission related expectations for Air Force Airmen. In addition, they will create a supplementary program to train-the-trainer in all courseware and presentation methods.


Under CTI’s contract with the United States Navy and Marine Corps, we revise and maintain curriculum in support of training programs and Air Combat Training System (ACTS). This effort also provides training of the USN/USMC Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS), ACTS, and Marine Aviation Training System Site (MATSS) training programs. This training is implemented in four military bases located in Virginia, North Carolina, and California. In addition to supporting Navy and Marine Corps in the continental United States, CTI also provides training to the Spanish Navy and Italian Navy.


Under the STRATCOM USAMS III indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract and upon task order award within the contract, CTI personnel will provide Management, Operational, and Professional Support Services; Studies, Analyses, and Evaluations; Engineering and Technical Services; and Operations and Maintenance for Information Technology and Telecom Services.

ANG Readiness Center and CRM Training

CTI provides the ANG with engineering support and design services, associated with weapon system supportability issues in the areas of technical training, support equipment and courseware for the CRM program throughout the ANG. CRM training is one of the areas CTI is most well-known for and CTI will prepare all course materials and conduct classroom training for the ANG CRM Facilitator Training Courses including the RC-26B CRM Recurrent Course, Reaper CRM Baseline Course and Guardian Angel CRM Recurrent Course.


This Unites States Air Force contract is performed at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona and at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. This contract includes F-16 weapons system support for F-16 academic instruction, F-16 aircrew training devices (ATD) instruction/console operations, and ATD cockpit operations, comprehensive courseware development, and training support. CTI’s teaming partner on this effort is the Goodyear, Arizona based company Sonoran Technology and Professional Services, LLC.

FAA B-737 and A-320 Pilot Training

CTI conducts Air Carrier Aircraft Pilot Training for Flight Standards Operations Inspectors and Aircraft Certification pilots employed by the FAA. CTI provides initial and recurrent ground school and simulator and flight training to FAA inspectors/pilots. The courses covered under this contract will meet the requirements for FAA formal flight training.


In partnership with Sonoran Technology and Professional Services, CTI performs Command and Control Contract Aircrew Training and Courseware Development/Distance Learning (C2) (CRC) (CAT/CWD/DL). This contract is performed at various locations in ACC, AETC, USAFE, and PACAF and for ACC/A3CG at Langley AFB, VA. The team will perform C2 Contract Academic Training (CAT), Courseware Development (CWD) and support Distance Learning (DL) for personnel in support of operations, as required, at the Control and Reporting Center (CRC), Battle Control Center (BCC), and Air Operations Center (AOC) mission centers.


The Crew/Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) program focuses on improving aircrew human factors skills to ensure the mission is accomplished safely and effectively. These skills are defined in various Department of Defense and FAA documents. This training is customized for each customer, specifically, the crews, their aircraft and any current training deficiencies or desired areas for improvement. CTI has the ability to discreetly work with each customer to research their exact training requirements and develop a customized program to meet their needs – one size does not fit all!

CTI has the ability to conduct CRM classes at our corporate headquarters in Memphis, TN or at the customer’s location – we currently conduct CRM training at over 40 locations throughout the world including Europe and Asia at ACC and PACAF locations.


CTI provides Crew Resource Management (CRM) academic training to ICBM crew members, specifically Initial Skills Training (IST) and operational units (continuation training). We also provide academic training to instructors reinforcing the application of positive CRM skills in day-to-day operations. We will also create innovative ways to integrate CRM so that it is a conscious part of the way crews do business.


CTI provides Contract Aircrew Training (CAT) and Courseware Development (CWD) to those aircrew members of the RC/OC/WC-135 and E-4B aircraft assigned to the 55th Wing, Offutt AFB, Nebraska. Team CTI is chartered to provide all academic and training device instruction to both students and qualified permanent party crew members.


CTI works with our Prime Contractor, B3H to provide Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) test support services for CAASIV UAS Test 556 TES and Det 4 to execute mission and other unit responsibilities. Services are provided during all phases of Operational Test & Evaluation (OT&E). Specialties provided include Unit Project Officers (UPO) with various operational specialties, Operations Suitability Analysts (OSA), and other unique expertise. RPA specialties provided include the MQ-1 Predator, MQ-9 Reaper, RPA Ground Control Stations (GCS), Squadron Operations Center (SOC), Weapons, Tactics, Command and Control (C2) and Tactical Datalink and Air, Space, and Cyberspace operations.


“The videos and case studies are great. The instructor is very motivated and encouraging”
– Student


“I appreciated the enthusiasm and energy from the instructor. This kept me engaged and interested in the presentation.”
– Student


“Their dedication and flexibility to meet customer requirements exemplify a One Team, One Fight approach to mission accomplishment.”
– Contracting Officer